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Blanchardstown 5 aside Football

Photo of Tash Bandora
Hosted By
Tash B.
Blanchardstown 5 aside Football


The game is 1 hr duration from 12pm - 1pm ⚽️
5 a side football game at Ongar community centre or coolmine sports and leisure centre. (It all depends on how many people we get)

Sometimes we have up to 22 players depending on confirmations and availability. When that happenes we play full pitch. The cost is usually around €2 - €3 per person.

Minimum of 10 players we play at Coolmine and More than that we play at Ongar.
Please bring soccer boots, bottle of water 💦 and arrive on time preferably 11:45am or 11:50am for match preparation and payment for the pitch 🕰️
If you cannot make it anymore please let us know in advance. The best being 24 hours notice or 2 hours before the game start.

We have a group chat were we send all the regular updates and the list on anyone Interested to play that week.

Sometimes we play on Thurday nights from 8-9pm or 9-10pm depending on interest and availability.
🗣️ Please no fighting, screaming, Sunday league slide tackles or arguing too much. There’s no referee and it’s only a friendly game.
The vibe is generally friendly but semi-competitive 🔥
If you plan to come and join us please add the Instagram account above and send us a message to add you on the list for that particular week unless if you want to be added on the main group chat for regular updates 📩
If we do not have a minimum of 10 players confirmed, we cancel the game and we go again the following week.
💰All forms of payment accepted but cash and revolut preferred 💰

Photo of Blanchardstown 5 aside football game group
Blanchardstown 5 aside football game
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Every week on Sunday

Ongar Community Centre
Ongar Road, Blanchardstown · Dublin 15
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