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What we’re about

This is a group for anyone interested in the potential of blockchain to help improve the quality of democracy. Personal opinion and open for debate: The US was born out of three great ideas.

  1. Democracy – Government derives its power from the consent of the governed. That some form of decision making by the people – some of it by proxy, could lead to greater good for the greater number.
  2. Science (even Enlightenment era science) – That “pure or disinterested scientific research of a fundamental kind would ultimately lead to inventions of use to humankind” and could be used to improve commerce and make better policy decisions.
  3. Human rights - every human being gains certain rights simply because he is a human being. These ethic should have expression in legal decisions. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, eventually led to women’s rights, civil rights, gay rights, animal rights.
    I believe that one person/one vote systems using blockchain technology can improve the greater good consistent with those ideas. Why blockchain? Mechanisms for consensus, transparency (including transparent auditing) , 'smart contracts', and security technologies, such as zero knowledge proofs - are all working in various blockchain variants.