Keep Connected Podcast

Keep Connected is a podcast about the power of community hosted by David Siegel, CEO of Meetup.

Episode 49: The Power of Introductions

Learn the secrets of networking from “trillion-dollar connector” Jeff Epstein in this episode of Keep Connected.

Episode 48: Why Happiness Needs Gratitude

Tribute CEO Andrew Horn sits down with David Siegel to discuss the importance of appreciation in both professional and personal life.

Episode 47: The Underrated Power of Thinking Big

Learn how JeVon McCormick went from a troubled past to a triumphant career in business, plus hear how your thoughts have the power to shape your future on Keep Connected.

Episode 46: A New Chapter Of Friendship

Hear about book recs, the value of audiobooks, and more from an organizer of one of Meetup’s most successful book clubs on the Keep Connected podcast.

Episode 45: Deepening Connections By Walking With Jonathon Stalls

In this episode, Meetup organizer, Jonathon Stalls shares how walking transformed his life both physically and spiritually.

Episode 44: Intentional Talking & Radical Listening

Guest Ken Tucker explains how to be a better friend, coworker, and partner by harnessing the power of conversation.

Episode 43: Using the Agile Approach at Work

Expert marketer John Cass explains the basics of Agile methodology and why they are useful for any industry. Improve your efficiency at work and beyond.

Episode 42 | Trust: The Crucial Community Ingredient with Seth Besmertnik

Two CEOs sit down to discuss creating strong corporate cultures, putting people first, and motivating teams. Learn why trust is essential for community in business and in life.