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Re: [blrdroid] Amazon EC 2 with Couch DB

From: Vivek J.
Sent on: Sunday, January 19, 2014, 10:40 PM
Hi Rahul,

Did you check the Security Group of the EC2 instance ?

What ports you want to  access on the EC2 instance ?

You may want to configure the security group of EC2 instance to accept Requests to the specific port from your application's source ip address.

Please check the same, and you may be able to resolve this problem.

Vivek Juneja

My Home on Web :

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:35 PM, Rahul Sharma <[address removed]> wrote:

We are working on a chat application using Couch DB as the backend on Amazon EC 2.

I was trying to configure the server to basically host some services on it and connect it with the mobile app but I was not able to ping the public ip-address of the server.

Is there anyone out there who could suggest how to configure the instance so that we can ping it from our local machine and also connect to the web services ?

Help would be appreciated as I am personally new to EC 2.

Rahul Sharma Executive Director
3Embed Software Technologies pvt ltd.| (Website)

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