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Recap and email list!

From: Jesse
Sent on: Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 11:14 PM

Hey Everyone,

Good playing this week. I'm diggin our jams! I'm going to start looking for a venue for us. I'm thinking Sat Nov. 24th for our gig. (My bday is on the 25th and we can celebrate that as well!)


I've just sent out our set list via email. the 12 of you who gave me their email addresses are:

1. Brent R

2. Brian L

3. Danny P

4. Hans H

5. Henry C

6. Juaquine

7. Jude K

8. Lea

9. Mike D

10. Paul H

11. Philip L

12. Steve Van D


Let me know if I missed you and you would like to get on the email list.




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