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New Meeting: Game of Thrones

From: Dan B.
Sent on: Thursday, January 31, 2008, 1:45 PM
Announcing another new meeting for Boardgame And RPG Enthusiasts Group of Normal!

What: Game of Thrones
When: Wednesday, February 20, 6:00 PM
Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come:
Whoever wants to compete in a struggle of power, for a shot at being more awesome than you already are.

Because we're entertaining to listen to when we talk 'smack' to one another.

Meeting Description:

Game of Thrones + Clash of Kings expansion

Players are the leaders of one of the 6 noble houses of Westeros. Each player attempts to gain control of the cities and strongholds throughout the various territories by gentle means or brute force. Swaying the people and the minor nobility in a bid for control and power over the iron throne, the king's court, or the fiefdoms. Players place secret orders and openly negotiate with rivals in order to further their goals. Will you have a chance to rule Westeros? or will you merely help to determine who will?

This game is based on the books by George RR Martin, but knowing the events of the books doesn't give any player an advantage.

Learn more here: