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New Meetup: Board Game Potluck (Antioch)

From: Ed O.
Sent on: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 10:04 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Board Game Lovers Meetup Group!

What: Board Game Potluck (Antioch)

When: Saturday, March 20,[masked]:30 PM

June's Place
Will email to RSVPs closer to the event
Nashville, TN 37201

The last potluck was so much fun that we need to do another one. And June has graciously allowed us to use her new place. (Which is a "no-shoes-indoors" location). So please bring some food and include which dish you are bringing in your RSVP. I will be bringing some turkey wraps. I will email folks the address after they RSVP a few days before the event.

As usual I will bring a wide selection of games. Feel free to bring any games you would be willing to teach to others. And remember please make your RSVP count and update your RSVP if your plans change.

Parking: you can park in the spaces marked "visitor" near the mail boxes.

See you there.

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