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Wednesday, newbies, crowds...

From: Ward B.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 12:26 PM
There may be some additional new folks at the Loop Wednesday. I know we exceeded capacity as well as the number of new people we can comfortable absorb at the last Saturday meetup. I'm hopeful that was due to the AJC story and won't be a regular issue. If it is we can look at either (both?) the Moe's and the other Italian place that is in the Blockbuster building as overflow locations.

Anyway, please keep an eye out for new folks Wednesday and try to help them get into a game. In general we are, collectively, really good at that and I appreciate everyone's efforts in that area, as well as bringing so many games for folks to play. Those two things are the main reason we keep growing.

I'm told an Alpharetta meetup is in the works and will forward info when it is available. I encourage folks to set up things all over town, ideally on different nights. Atlanta is a city of 4 million, it seems to me there should be public gaming scattered across the calendar and the metro area.

The Atlanta Boardgames February Mee?



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