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our book for AUGUST - The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Photo of ann g
Hosted By
ann g.
our book for AUGUST -  The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


We have chosen for this month:
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

date to be confirmed
Funny, quirky, and occasionally heartbreaking, this is the story of a relationship lived in the moment between Henry and Clare. Henry is a time traveller whcih makes life interesting...

There will be a break of 10 minutes between part 1 and part 11 of the meeting. I have only the free zoom so you will need to use the same link to log in after the first meeting time ends.

WARNING - there are some themes in the book that not all readers may enjoy reading about. Please take a look at reviews yourself if you wish to check this out.

Please keep your rsvps up to date in order to leave spaces for other people. If you have 2 misses to attend and I'm afaid I will give your space to others.

Interview with the author

Photo of Book Club Chat over a drink group
Book Club Chat over a drink
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12 spots left