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New Meetup: January Social Meetup

From: Tony C
Sent on: Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 10:59 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Birmingham Book Club and Popular Culture Meetup Group!

What: January Social Meetup

When: Friday, January 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Pub Du Vin in Hotel du Vin
25 Church Street
Birmingham B3 2NR

No specific book to discuss, just a chance to enjoy a few social drinks and mingle with other members of Birmingham's legendary Bookclub. This monthly event is a great opportunity for new members to get to know a few people and for regulars to catch up on all that chat.

When Pub Du Vin closes we usually move on to another late night bar for more drinking and carousing.

If you are a new member wondering how to find us, drop me (Tony) a line and I will send you my mobile number.

Please note: On rare occasions Pub du Vin is closed without warning - if you turn up and find this is the case we will be at Edmunds Bar - a short walk from Pub du Vin

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