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Next book after finishing The Stuff of Thought

From: Dana R.
Sent on: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 10:16 PM
Hello everyone,

At our next meetup on Sunday, May 3rd, we will be discussing the last few chapters of The Stuff of Thought. And I would like to have our next book that we will read decided before the end of that next meeting. Therefore, I would like to start fielding suggestions from which we can choose from. I will kick off the suggestion process by suggesting that we read Wider Than the Sky: The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness, by Gerald Edelman. I read his latest book, Second Nature: Brain Science and Human Knowledge, which was very short and seemed to be primarily about his thoughts on the reconciliation of the humanities with the sciences. I am hoping that his previous book (the one I am suggesting) will focus more on the brain and consciousness. His ideas seem to be complex and intriguing enough to inspire many pleasant hours of discussion and debate.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

~Dana Ream

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