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The Museum of Innocence, Orhan Pamuk (Nobel, 2006)

Photo of Mark
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The Museum of Innocence, Orhan Pamuk (Nobel, 2006)


When we discussed My Name in Red in 2016 we had some attendees who came especially for Pamuk having studied his works in the original Turkish. It was so memorable we are revisiting the author. The Museum of Innocence is essentially a love story. Themes of hoarding/collecting shamefully but then becoming public and appreciated in a museum have given rise to an actual museum in Istanbul some of our members have visited. The museum's 83 displays reflect the book's chapters and showcase everyday objects of the late 1970s. Published in 2008 after Pamuk won the Nobel, The Guardian calls the novel about Turkey's struggle with modernity "brilliantly evoked". I'm really looking forward to this one!

Since starting this book club a few years ago we have formed a nice core membership. If you haven't come yet, please look out for the books on the table, pull up a chair, order a wine and join us. We like to hear what everyone has to say and enjoy the conversation, we're not cliquey at all! Oh, and to defray the Meetup monthly bill I will accept gold coin contributions or wine if you want to pay for multiple in one hit. I hope to see everyone again at this one with some new faces.

Photo of Booker, Nobel and Miles Franklin Prizes Bookclub group
Booker, Nobel and Miles Franklin Prizes Bookclub
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