What we’re about
The Boston Data Science Meetup is a community for anyone interested in learning more about how industries, organizations, researchers, and communities are gaining insights through data. Topics include (but are not limited to) predictive analytics, applied machine learning, data warehousing, applied statistics, fairness and accountability in data science, data science education and training, and new methodologies. We welcome anyone to join and learn with us.
We'll invite speakers to join us monthly to present their work. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn, discuss, network, and meet new people. We look forward to seeing you at the next event.
Get Involved with our Meetups:
• Speaker Form (http://bit.ly/2020talkproposalform) - Submit a talk, lightning talk, or workshop.
• Suggest a Meetup Topic Form (http://bit.ly/bostondstopics)
• Volunteer Form (http://bit.ly/bostondsvolunteers)
• Join our Slack Workspace (https://join.slack.com/t/bostondatascience/shared_invite/zt-6l97skba-p_31gAAfM~SbVX_E5S61vQ)