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Japanese interpreter gig for Oct 19 and Oct 24 in Rockland

From: Suzanne
Sent on: Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 11:23 AM

Posted for information - please contact the person below (not me) if interested.

We are searching for a Japanese interpreter for a job on 10/19/16 at 3:00 pm 
and 10/24/16 at 10:00 am in Rockland, MA. The job on the 19th is a practice 
session for the meeting on the 24th. We need to have the same interpreter 
go for both dates. Please let me know, if you know of someone that is 
available and interested in the job assignment. The Japanese delegation 
will be present and will have their own interpreter, but the medical 
facility has asked Benoit to also provide an interpreter. 

Thank you, 

Karen Villatoro 
Interpreter Coordinator 
Benoit Language Services, Inc. 
toll free:[masked] 

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