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Re: [php-29] Open Development Positions

From: Nan H.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 7:20 PM
Hi Andre,

Your link to your website,, says the website can't be found.
Is it down, or is it wrong?

If you are looking for consultants, you might try

Nan Harbison

-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Chapman <[address removed]>
Sent: Nov 5,[masked]:07 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [php-29] Open Development Positions

Hello All,
I recently joined the meetup group and I am looking to network with developers in the local market. I have a number of open positions that I would like to discuss with anyone who is currently looking or knows someone who may be looking for a career change or additional consulting work. All of my contact information is below. Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss your background and future opportunities.
Thank you and have a great evening!


Andre Chapman

Resource Manager

Millennium Consulting (Boston)

Direct:[masked] x310


[address removed]

Millennium Consulting offers the most aggressive referral program in the industry. If you refer a colleague or friend who gets the above position, Millennium Consulting will pay you $2/hr for every hour your referral works. For example, if the above position goes for 6 months, the referral fee to you would be $2080. Not bad for helping out a colleague or friend. The same is true for a position you may become aware of. If you make Millennium Consulting aware of an open position and we fill that position, then we would pay you $2/hr for every hour that the consultant who got that position works.

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