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Advanced Practive Group - How to Discover Your Authentic Sexuality

From: Judith Anne C.
Sent on: Monday, January 14, 2013, 2:50 PM
How to Discover Your Authentic Sexuality Beloved Community,

I have exciting news for those who long for more intimacy & new depths in lovemaking... If you are interested in taking the blinders off and waking up to more pleasure in your life without taking on another inauthentic belief system or behavior - then this email has essential information for you.

Here's why: On Sunday, January 27th,  I will once again be offering , 'How to Discover Your Authentic Sexuality' You'll discover:
  • The exact tools you can use immediately to clear blocks in your body and awaken a flow of orgasmic energy accessible to you in EVERY moment.
  • How to easily break through deep-rooted habitual patterns that are holding you back from feeling fully alive - in a way that will integrate shifts and changes into your life immediately - something that many therapists & healers are unaware of.
  • Easy ways to move beyond your limited experience of pleasure. Whether you have specific challenges in lovemaking or you just know there is more.... (I'm talking about sensation that you literally don't even know is possible yet.)
  • You'll discover what the very best part of unlocking your potential for pleasure... Hint: it's not just the great sex you will be having.
  • how to release past trauma and create more space for connection without years of therapy, self-development, or endless affirmations
  • Prerequiste : Attendance at at least one Journeys to Tantric Bliss Intro, this month held on  January 23rd

RSVP for this event on the Home Page of this MeeUp

If you are ready to move beyond settling for mediocre connections, or plodding along feeling only half alive. If you are feeling that you have never truly tapped into what great lovemaking really means to you, and you know somewhere deep inside of you that there has got to be more, but have no idea how to tap into it, this call has the answers you have been looking for. I am very much looking forward to sharing this wisdom with you.

In love

Judith Anne 

P.S. By being so cut off we are working at a deficit in all areas of our lives. We are popping pills to alleviate stress rather than touching the root of the problem. Many of the solutions or modalities we have been turning to are merely coping mechanisms as opposed to solutions. 

Offers practical tools that will transform the way you experience your life and make way for more pleasure.

Thanks to my fellow Sky Dancing Tantra based sister, Charu Morgan

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