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New Meetup: 2nd Book Club Meeting: The Fifth Sacred Thing (rescheduled)

From: Jessie G
Sent on: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 3:51 PM
We had to reschedule the book club meeting for The Fifth Sacred Thing. Sorry it took me a while to make this an official event on here. People who haven't already started to read it probably won't be able to finish all 484 pages of it by Sunday, but you're welcome to try and join us!


What: 2nd Book Club Meeting: The Fifth Sacred Thing (rescheduled)

When: Sunday, March 28,[masked]:00 PM

The Exchange Tavern
11940 Bradburn Blvd
Westminster, CO 80031

The meeting didn't really work out the first time around, so we rescheduled!

The Fifth Sacred Thing
by Starhawk

The Fifth Sacred Thing
. (New York, Bantam, 1993) Starhawk's epic tale, set in 2048, California. In a time of ecological collapse, when the hideously authoritarian and corporate-driven Stewards have taken control of most of the land and set up an apartheid state, one region has declared itself independent: the Bay Area and points north. Choosing life over guns, they have created a simple but rich ecotopia, where no one wants, nothing is wasted, culture and cooperation are uppermost, and the Four Sacred Things are valued unconditionally. But the Stewards are on the march northward, bent on conquest and appropriation of the precious waters. It?s the love story of Bird the musician and warrior and Madrone the healer, and of Maya, Bird?s grandmother, ninety-eight year old story teller, whose vision provides a way for them to defend their city from invasion without becoming what they are fighting against.

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