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30 Day Cleanse with Lisa Wilson of the Raw Food Institute

From: Athena M.
Sent on: Sunday, January 14, 2018, 7:22 AM

Dear Boulder Raw,

For anyone who is interested in doing a cleanse with Lisa Wilson, now you can do it in the comfort of your own home, without travelling to CT for the Raw Food Immersion (although it is a great experience to actually meet her in person!).  She is going to start the online program on January 20th and if you are interested, you need to purchase a Cleanse and Restore program through DoTerra Essential Oils.  If you are not currently a member, Lisa can help you to become a member and order your own essential oils at a discount.

I am thinking of doing this cleanse.........does anyone want to join me?


HomeAboutContact Hello, friend!

The doors are closing to the 30-Day Cleanse and Restore Program tomorrow!  I don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to join an amazing experience devoted to physical, mental, and spiritual cleansing.

If you’re ready to experience vitality, vibrancy, and a renewed way of life…

If you are dreaming looking and feeling your absolute best…

If you know it’s time to make your health and wellness a priority...

You will love the 30-Day Cleanse and Restore Program!

Joining us is so easy, too!

When you join the 30-Day Program, you’re going to get:

-Group Kickoff Cleanse Call: Get in-depth instruction, inspiration, and motivation to get you started, PLUS there will be a detailed Q&A

-Detailed Cleanse Schedule: Know exactly how each phase of the program works and also when to follow the daily schedule for supplements, eating, and using your essential oils!

-Free PDF Cookbook: With over 50 exclusive recipes from the Raw Food Institute you can eat clean while feeling nourished and satisfied with fresh, delicious food!

-Exclusive Facebook Support Group: Enjoy peer and mentor motivation and inspiration, share your victories, and get support to overcome your obstacles in this amazing group of fantastic, health-minded people!  Plus, you’ll get to see exclusive videos twice a week featuring new recipes, tips, and support!


We put together an all-in-one way to join the 30-Day Cleanse and Restore Program, get your kit, AND join DoTerra for a full year of membership!  Along with everything listed above, when you join, you’re going to get:

-DoTerra Cleanse & Restore Kit: With all the supplements, oils, and information you need to break down toxins, nourish your body and mind, and support cellular and organ health, this kit is an amazing tool for cleansing and restoring your physical and mental wellness!

-Frankincense Essential Oil (15mL): Known as the “King of Oils,” Frankincense promotes feelings of peace and tranquility for meditation and mental wellness and can also support health benefits when used topically!

-Wellness Consult with Lisa Wilson: This 20-minute one-on-one consult will allow Lisa to address any wellness concerns you may have as well as find natural solutions to improve your wellness and support your health.

-Essential Life Book: Get in-depth information about essential oils and how to use them to promote wellness in your life and home!

Click HERE to join for just $245!  That’s a savings of $665!

The 30-Day Cleanse & Restore Program is the perfect solution for anyone looking to feel and look their best, get the New Year off to a healthy start, and embrace whole-body wellness.  You’ll love the customization, the freedom to listen to your instincts as you cleanse, and the support and motivation from a community of health-minded friends!

So, don’t wait until it’s too late!  Make your health and wellness a priority for 2018!

Click HERE to join the 30-Day Cleanse and Restore Program!

In raw abundant health,

Lisa Wilson​, CHC, CRFE

The Raw Food Institute, Founder & Director
Holistic Nutrition & Natural Medicine
Award Winning Retreat Center, 10 years 
​Published Author and National Speaker​
Master VIP Trainer // Trainer to the Certified Raw Food Educators
DoTerra Blue Diamond Leader
Master Essential Oil Wellness Advocate

CONNECT WITH US CONTACT INFOPhone: (888)[masked] | Email: [address removed]


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