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What we’re about

Welcome to Boys Who Code – Berlin Edition!

This group is your spot to meet and hang out with fellow gay guys who share a passion for coding, computers, and all things nerdy. Whether you're a pro coder, a hobbyist, or just curious about the world of tech, you've found your tribe. Our aim is to create a space where we can dive into our tech interests, share knowledge, work on projects together, or just enjoy some wholesome activities, all while embracing our unique identities.

We know the Berlin gay scene has a lot to offer, but if you've ever felt slightly on the fringe of it, here's a place where you can truly be yourself, geek out, and make genuine connections. From casual meetups, coding sessions, to exploring the tech side of Berlin together, we're all about fostering a sense of community and belonging.

So, if you're looking for a laid-back group of like-minded individuals who get excited about the latest tech trends, programming languages, and nerd culture, look no further. Let's navigate the exciting world of technology together, support each other, and have fun along the way.

Join us and let's create a vibrant, inclusive community where everyone is welcome, and every coding journey is celebrated.

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