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Brain Worms 088 / The Year 200 by Agustin Rojas

Photo of Joel
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Brain Worms 088 / The Year 200 by Agustin Rojas


A disparaging examination of the Castro regime that combines cryogenic freezing, artificial intelligence and surveillance with evil wizards, time travel and killer robots in a gripping adventure story. The peace of Tranquil Grove is violently disturbed when the Imperial Service's Hydras awake from a 200-year sleep and implant the consciousness of a sadistic, lascivious torturer and a desperate aging secret agent into the minds of a film-obsessed boy and his mother, an 'emotional engineer.' Drawing as much from the realms of the adventure novel, spy thriller and political satire as from hard science fiction and fantasy, THE YEAR 200 is on the one hand steeped in hard science and prophetic in its address of cryogenic freezing, artificial intelligence and surveillance, and on the other full of the action and intrigue brought on by evil wizards, time travel and killer robots. A cult classic and Cuban SF father Agustín de Rojas's most popular work, de Rojas critiques the Castro regime by holding it against its own impossible standards. An imaginative and bold social extrapolation and nuanced political parable, THE YEAR 200 brings contemporary trajectories to their logical extremes and asks, What does 'the greatest good for the greatest number' really mean?

Available from all good libraries and book shops.

You don't have to have read it to join us - but it'll probably help.

We will be meeting in the Function Room upstairs in the Star of the East. It is a 3 minute walk from Westferry DLR station. It has a wide selection of food and drinks:

We hope to see you there.


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Photo of Brain Worms Book Club group
Brain Worms Book Club
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The Star of the East
805A Commercial Road · London
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