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CHANGE OF DATE: Animations 101: Level up your UI with Framer Motion

Photo of Simona Boroš Kováčová
Hosted By
Simona Boroš K.
CHANGE OF DATE: Animations 101: Level up your UI with Framer Motion


We are sorry to inform you that we need to reschedule our event. The new date is 25th of June, time and place stay the same. Hope we will see you all.

We´d love to invite you to our upcoming React Meetup. This time we´ll have a closer look at Animations. Interested? Continue reading to learn more details!

React makes it easier to code complex apps. Unfortunately, while building such apps, developers often skip animations altogether. Perhaps because implementing them in React might make your component’s code look cumbersome, or because developers just don’t think they are necessary.

In this talk, we’ll learn how animations can be used not only to make something "pretty" but to make better UIs by showing continuity, masking delays and providing visual feedback. And we’ll learn how Framer Motion helps to make all kinds of animations while keeping your code tidy.

What to expect:

  • At the beginning, we’ll check different ways to add animations to your components and talk about their pros and cons.
  • Then, we’ll learn how to implement different kinds of animations with Framer Motion. We'll start with simple animations and progress through exit animations, layout animations and to complex orchestration using motion values.
  • For dessert, we’ll show you a few Framer Motion tricks that are easy to pull off and will help to level up your UI in subtle ways.

How to attend:
If you´d like to come, we encourage you to join our event here on meetup. The number of attendees is limited (35 people), so in case you won´t be able to attend, please, change your status so another person can join, or let me know in a message.

Short Agenda:
18:00 - 19:15 - Presentation: Animations 101: Level up your UI with Framer Motion by Oleh Korniienko
19:15 - 20:00 - Networking, pizza & drinks

The event is free, on-site and the presentation will be in English language.
We will meet in Nivy Tower on 29th of May at 18:00. Please, make sure to come at least 5 minutes before the event so we can start on time. We will be waiting for you at the reception of Nivy Tower from 17:45 (make sure to enter the business building and not the shopping mall).

If you don´t know how to find us or have any other questions, contact me on Meetup or at

See you soon!

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Bratislava React Meetup Group
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35 spots left