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What we’re about

Welcome! This is an online coaching group designed to show you how to break toxic relationship cycles and receive the love you deserve!

My name is Sherah Ice, I am a relationship & family coach. I work with people who want to break their toxic relationship cycles with romantic partners, with family members and within themselves. ​
I empower cycle breakers.

Toxic relationships can have a significant negative impact on our emotional and mental well-being. Some of the many things we can lose as a result of these relationships are: our sense of self, our voice, and our freedom. It can be extremely difficult to navigate the complex dynamics of these relationships on our own.

My personal belief is; the cycle breakers, the black sheep, the truth tellers, were created to heal generational trauma. It is not our responsibility to heal our loved ones or our family members, that belongs to them.
It IS our responsibility to heal ourselves.
The trauma ends with us.

If you would like to learn more about me and what I do feel free to check out my website: