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What we’re about

Natasha & Estelle are two experienced bodywork practitioners and healers based in North London. They have been friends for over 30 years and their passions have always mirrored each other.

We are living in quite uncertain times. The events over the past five years have brought uncertainty, a sense of imbalance and many of us are trying to make sense of the world around us.

Our events help people ground and find balance, find peace within, discover and embrace different healing practises plus also connect with other liked minded people.

We hold space for you to connect to you.

There are many benefits to the bodywork modalities we practice.

Benefits of Breathwork
Boost your immunity
Reduce inflammation through the lowering of cortisol and blood pressure levels
Reduce stress and anxiety levels through rebalancing of the nervous system
Increase oxygen rich blood flow
Improve the functioning of our internal organs such as our heart and digestion
Enhance your sleeping patterns

Benefits of Sound Healing
Rebalance your body
Improve your sleep
Give your immune system a boost
Encourage more joy into your life by clearing any blocked energy
Increase mental clarity and focus
Experience deep peace

For more information you can contact us on the following:
Instagram: @northldnenergyhealer
Corporate Wellbeing website:
Instagram: @thelondonsoundhealer
Facebook: thelondonsoundhealer

Upcoming events (2)

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