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Parlez-vous English? - Whitefield's Café (Rennes)

Photo of Laura B.
Hosted By
Laura B.


Parlez-vous English?

It's time for you to speak english!

You are learning or you need your daily english chat, it's the place to be to express yourself and meet this community and native speakers in a networking environment and it is time for business and cultural exchanges.

How to come? You can take the metro B, stop "Via Silva".

The number of places is limited.
If you cannot attend the event, please cancel, so others can join. :)

Photo of Breizh International group
Breizh International
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Monday, May 20, 2024
8:30 PM

Every 3rd Tuesday of the month

White Fields Café
1137 C avenue des Champs Blancs · Cesson-Sévigné
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15 spots left