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advanced professional server (security) training in Brisbane?

From: Bjorn M.
Sent on: Friday, December 6, 2013, 3:06 PM
Hi there,

My name is Björn and I'm an employee at a small Brisbane based Web Design company. My responsibilities include server administration (LAMP) which I have a no formal qualification for. Basically told myself everything I know so far. I do have formal qualification in IT engineering but this never involved much server specific training.

Over the last Years/Months the company grew steadily and I have now many servers under my control and we have been facing several external threads like DDOS attacks etc. So far we were always able to manage those, but I more and more feel that I need more detailed training in server admin etc to be able to face future challenges.

I was looking into different courses and the main one I picked out to be worthwhile was Red Hat training.

I'd appreciate if someone out there knows about some other training alternatives and/or courses that could help me. Also, what do you guys think about the Red Hat training? Is it worth the (rather expensive) fees?

As mentioned above, I'm Brisbane based and I'd prefer courses in Brisbane.


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