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Re: [php-46] HipHop for PHP

From: Peter van D.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 4:59 PM
It hasn't actually been released yet. They're currently prepping it all and should have something together in a few days.

The general consensus seems to be that those doing small scale PHP work wont find it useful. (ie. anyone with shared hosting, or small projects)
It's largely aimed at those of us who work on single applications at a larger scale - think multiple web and database servers in a single application.

If anyone is interested, and assuming i have the time, i'd be prepared to do a presentation on what our experiences with it are (200k lines of code for one app, running on about 16 production servers).
(I've actually been looking for an excuse to finally attend a meeting for a while, so perhaps i can cover a few other things too.)

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 4:52 PM, David Beveridge <[address removed]> wrote:
HipHop is a source code transformer which transforms PHP source code into
highly optimized C++ and then compiles it using g++.

Anyone tried this out yet?


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