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Nominations for Techspace Committee

From: user 3.
Sent on: Sunday, December 4, 2011, 7:02 PM
Hi All

We are in the process of incorporating the Gold Coast Tech Space. 

Incorporation will enable us to get our name properly on the lease, get insurance, enable use to apply for grants and other funding  and obtain limited liability. 

Before we incorporate we need a motion at a general meeting and an initial management committee. The general meeting will probably take place this week via Skype (does not need to be F2F), you only need 5 attendees for a quorum and it's merely a formality so we will probably just keep the meeting to the founding members unless you have a burning desire to be in on the call.

There are couple of other things that are decided at the meeting such as constitution, and the name but we have decided to just use the model rules and the name of the Gold Coast Tech Space will just be Gold Coast Tech Space Inc on paper for the incorporation - so nice and simple there.

One thing we do need for the meeting is nominations for the first executive committee which is to be of 6 people. The roles are:

Vice President
plus 2 other ordinary members.

I have nominations for President, VP and Treasurer - if anyone else on this mailing list wants to nominate please let me know ASAP. If I don't get enough nominations before the meeting I will start hounding people.

The workload on committee is very very light - we just have to officially meet every 4 months. Secretary obviously calls meetings and takes any minutes. Treasurer is finances - but we are aiming to keep these as simple as possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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