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[Workshop] Defeat procrastination by mastering the to-do list in 5 easy steps

Photo of Tammy WhalenBlake
Hosted By
Tammy W.
[Workshop] Defeat procrastination by mastering the to-do list in 5 easy steps


Become unstoppable with clarity, focus and action!

  • Are you constantly adding to your never-ending to-do list despite ticking off many daily tasks?
  • Are you so overwhelmed that it feels too much to handle, so you procrastinate?
  • Is your mind cluttered that you can’t see the wood through the trees?

If you answered yes, this workshop is for you!

A to-do list is a list where you keep track of everything you need to do. You can make this as simple or as complex as you like and your needs require.
However, a to-do list isn’t effective enough in today’s demanding world. You can have the greatest to-do list-building ability, but you will remain stuck if you have too much or do unimportant tasks.
This workshop will declutter your mind, increase your output and open your mind to what is getting in your way.

You Will Learn How To...

  • Get it out of your head. The first step to clarity is knowing what’s on your mind.
  • Create a structured brain dump. Sometimes a regular brain dump just isn’t enough. We will make sense of it while deleting some unnecessary tasks.
  • Variety is the Spice of Life. Use the powerful tool that will see you accelerate through your tasks without procrastination whilst learning about your go-to habits and beliefs.

~~~~~~ Client Quote ~~~~~~~~~~~
"I would start my day feeling overwhelmed. Procrastination became my friend. Tasks kept piling up and my mind was cluttered. Becoming productive enabled me to focus on what is important and what needs to be delegated or binned. The thought of delegating was too much to handle, as I believed that I could do it better. But in reality, I was doing half the quality or not at all. This realisation gave me the nervous courage to free up my time so I could be bolder and more impactful. Now I am purposeful and work with great clients."

What You'll Need

  • Print out the worksheet (or use the digital version).
  • Permission to be fully present in the workshop - you deserve this moment.
  • An attitude for change and growth. Results only happen when you are intentional.

~~~~~~ Client Quote ~~~~~~~~~~~Luke Formosa
"I attended Tammy’s webinar “Defeat procrastination by mastering the to-do list in 3 steps” and as someone with ADHD who procrastinates a lot, I found the webinar super useful and the tips and knowledge shared was easy to accomplish and allowed me to focus on what can be done now and what needs to be done. Would highly recommend anyone to check out Tammy’s webinars in the future as they could benefit you in business and in personal life too."


As part of this workshop, we understand the importance of accountability in driving change and achieving your ultimate success. To ensure that you stay committed to implementing the activities and strategies learned during the workshop, we are thrilled to offer you a bonus 15-minute session with our esteemed personal development coach, Tammy.
Tammy is a seasoned professional specialising in empowering people to improve their self-discipline and achieve their goals. She will provide you with the necessary guidance and support to stay on track and hold you accountable for the actions you commit to during the workshop.

During your coaching session with Tammy, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your procrastination habits, share any challenges or roadblocks you may be facing, and receive personalised advice on overcoming them.
This bonus coaching session is a valuable opportunity to receive one-on-one guidance from an experienced coach who will keep you motivated and focused on your journey to ultimate success. Tammy will provide the necessary encouragement, gentle nudges, and expert insights to help you stay accountable and maintain momentum.

Schedule your coaching session within one month from the workshop date to redeem it. We encourage you to take full advantage of this opportunity to enhance your self-discipline, leverage accountability, and make lasting positive changes in your life.

Remember, accountability is the key to driving change, and having a coach like Tammy by your side can make all the difference. Get ready to elevate your self-discipline, maximise your potential, and transform your vision into reality!

Money Back Guarantee
If you don't get results, get your money back with no quibbles! We are that confident you'll see success.

Sign up now before you procrastinate! 😂

~~~~~~ Client Quote ~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul Hatton, P.Hatton Legal Services Limited
“I found this webinar helpful as it gave me practical tools to help achieve clarity of actions and space to collect my thoughts. I will do more of this going forward.”

Photo of Bristol Professional & Personal Development Meetup Group group
Bristol Professional & Personal Development Meetup Group
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