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What we’re about

Welcome Puppy Parents!

We hope to help as many puppies as possible receive appropriate socialization and have a blast while doing it! Our focus in this program is a mix of dog:dog play, human socialization, body handling, equipment work, and settle breaks. Each groups runs approximately 45 minutes. Proper socialization means that we closely monitor interactions between the puppies during play to keep play appropriate, and all handlers participate in this with trainer guidance. We slowly introduce new pups in a way that they can feel safe. Our rooms are also set up with interactive equipment to help pups gain confidence on uneven surfaces, build strength, and have a great time!

Here's a peek into what we do on YouTube.

Cost: There is a box set up in each of the training areas for you to chip in with cash, and these help offset the cost of running the group. The group is approx. $150/hr to put on. Suggested amount to chip in is $15/pup. You can also chip in by following this link and scrolling to bottom of page on our website. Our only rule is that you've gotta contribute, but you set the monetary amount. This ensures that this program is accessible to all and does not create any financial barriers to any. We believe all puppies should have access to well-run puppy socialization.

Rules: When registering, please familiarize yourself with the Guidelines for attending which are listed in each event: Vaccination needs, attendance policy etc. We do not tolerate no shows, this violation is the quickest way to get banned from our program.

Our Commitment:
The play area is always properly sanitized prior to all puppy groups with a diluted bleach and pet-safe cleaner to minimize the risk of disease as much as absolutely possible. Our trainers are highly knowledgeable and committed to a safe and fun experience.

Ongoing Support:
Should you be interested, we offer a wide variety of continued training classes at our facility. Ask your instructor for more information!
Info on "socializing" adolescent & older dogs and the route they need to take. We can help but it's done in private.

Other Socialization Opportunities at RMDT: Check out our Puppy Day School Program - There are two tracks - Social Puppy and Ultimate Puppy. Social Puppy is a great option for those who want thorough professional socialization beyond what we can offer in this group, or for those pups who are a bit more fearful and need extra support and professional guidance. The Ultimate Puppy Program includes training, 2 private transfer of knowledge sessions, and weekly video tutorials on top of socialization.
Thank You!

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