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3 Python conferences in central Europe

From: Baptiste M.
Sent on: Monday, October 26, 2015, 12:37 PM

Hello everyone,

In case you weren't able to join us at the last meetup, I wanted to let you know about 3 awesome Python-related conferences that have been announced recently and are happening not too far from Budapest.

November 14th-15th
PyCon CZ
Brno, Czech Republic

They have a very impressive lineup with some international speakers and a conference track fully in English.
Tickets are very affordable for this level of quality and they're still on sale.

March 11th-13th
PyCon SK
Bratislava/Pozsony, Slovakia

The program has not been announced yet but from what I've heard, it's going to be a good one.

March 30th - April 3rd
DjangoCon Europe

The first Django conference ever in Hungary, we're super excited about this.
Tickets aren't on sale yet but keep an eye on this, it's going to be awesome.

It's an exciting time to be a Pythonista in central Europe!


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