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What we’re about

Looking to standardize your business processes for growth? Or looking to do at least one of the following?

  1. Train your existing and new team members to scale your business

  2. Outsource your business process so team members can focus on more important creative work

  3. Improve process outcome and reduce cost

  4. Apply for certifications and you need to provide evidence that you have working processes that meet international standards (e.g. for quality, health & safety, security, environmental)

  5. Fully or semi-automate your business processes and you need to document them for the team building your automated system or application

  6. Sell your company and would like to increase its value by providing documentations of your business processes to the buyer for easy acquisition and hand over.

  7. Document your business processes that you want to run on a smart contract and you are looking for a bridge language that both your Web3.0 developer and non-developer team members can understand.

Welcome to the Business Process Mapping & Improvement for Entrepreneurs Meetup! Merging networking and business strategy to help you run a profitable business. Whether you are a startup or an established business owner, this group provides a platform to learn, share insights, connect and work with like-minded entrepreneurs. Join us to discuss effective strategies, gain knowledge on documenting/optimizing/outsourcing processes, and network with a vibrant business community. Let's thrive together and take our businesses to new heights!

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