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What we’re about

CaliforniaSibs is the official California state chapter of the nationwide Sibling Leadership Network (SLN). Our Mission is to partner with Sibs (sisters and brothers of those with special needs) here in California in finding and creating information, and to provide community support and advocacy tools to advance issues important to them and their entire families. 

The Northern California branch hosts informational and supportive MeetUps bi-monthly, typically in Oakland, over Sunday brunch with a special guest speaker. In the past, we have welcomed licensed psychologist Dr. Virginia Bassi and Sheraden Nicolau, Bay Area General Manager with the State Council on Development Disabilities (SCDD).

The Southern California branch is centrally located out of Los Angeles, with bi-monthly brunch MeetUps hosted in local restaurants around Downtown Los Angeles, the Westside LA, the San Fernando Valley, and Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley. A little bit more casual, these brunches act as a fun place for people to connect, laugh, support, and bond over what makes us unique.

For more information, please visit our website at

Upcoming events (4)

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