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What we’re about

Call of The Wild - Urban and Nature Exploration Activities South Wales is all about being outdoors for Well-being and Mental Health, where activities and events will be run around The Vale of Glamorgan, and South Wales Coastline, Forest and the great outdoors for adventures in Urban Exploration across South Wales! Whether you're interested in historical buildings, abandoned sites, or hidden gems in the suburbs, this group is for you.

Let's uncover the secrets of South Wales together, sharing our passion for discovering the unknown. Whether you're a seasoned urban explorer or just starting out, all are welcome to join us on our quests to delve into the unknown urban landscape of our region. Connect with like-minded individuals, learn new skills, and explore the urban side of South Wales with us!

What is urban exploration: it is a recreational activity in which people explore derelict urban structures such as abandoned sewers or underground railways or attempt to access areas which are closed to the public such as the roofs of skyscrapers. Often shortened to: urbex

Whether you're looking to be part of a new community grounded in appreciation for the simple things in life, you're eager to explore your local area and uncover history you never knew about before, or you're simply looking for a breath of fresh air, I want everyone to experience the benefits of the outdoors. We will also explore other nature activities including Bush-craft techniques, outdoor wilderness survival skills which will include a wide variety of different elements. It is about getting close to nature, building knowledge to enjoy our history and natural surroundings, we will also learn to understand the importance of sustainability and having respect for the environment.

I aim to host events that will cover all great things outdoors. From Urban Exploring, Fairy Garden Making, Forest Bathing, to Winter Beach Campfires. We will explore old buildings, outdoor nature and aim to use our natural surroundings to discover new things. Whether that is history, nature, art and crafts, or simple campfire cooking.