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What we’re about

Break Free from your self-imposed imitations

What we're about

Have you ever heard of the story of the elephant that can be restrained with a thin piece of rope because it had always been so restrained since birth? To some degree, that's the story of all of us. We've been conditioned to believe terrible things about ourselves, such as that we can't be rich, we will not reach our goals, we are not liked, we cannot deal with certain responsibilities, etc, etc, etc. In the Middle Ages, the common folks were afraid of going into the woods because they believed that there were monsters living in the woods. This was caused by the widespread unreliable horror stories of the time. Nowadays, we don't believe in the monsters, but we are still plagued by the unreliable horror stories other people tell us, and, guess what, also by those horror stories that we tell ourselves. How many of us are afraid of getting into relationships because we had been hurt by relationships? How many of us are afraid of public speaking because we are afraid to stand up and express ourselves? How does the mind work? Why does it work against us at times? How can we overcome the fears imposed upon us by our painful experiences? If failures are precursors to success, then how can we be successful if we are afraid of failures, whether the failures are in relationships, in career, or in social life? In this group, we will learn tools to break free from our self-imposed limitations and gain self-confidence.

This group is created by the Dianetics and Scientology Life Improvement Centre.

Enjoy operating at your full potential