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Monthly Rust Meetup

Photo of John Children
Hosted By
John C.
Monthly Rust Meetup


The new and improved monthly Cambridge Rust meetup! This month we are very pleased to host Peter East

Speaker: Peter East
Title: How Rust (also) works at small scale

You hear a lot about organisations switching to Rust when they mature into a large enough scale, but how often do you hear about companies using Rust to bootstrap new applications with a minimal team? Iʼd like to share some of Cytedʼs journey with Rust, and my reflections about what Rust helped us with and what I would do differently next time when starting out in a Rust organisation.

About Peter East
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Iʼm a senior software engineer at Cyted Health, an early cancer detection company based in Cambridge, I was one of the founding members of the software engineering function and have been with the company for almost 4 years. We use software to make our processes more efficient, safer and generally more pleasant to work with internally and with customers.
Iʼve been writing code since I was 13, I started out with Python 2.7 and then gradually worked my way up to using Rust in the summer of 2018 when I worked at Repositive. I enjoy learning about and using new languages, including weird ones like Clojure (and Iʼd really like to learn some erlang). Iʼm very good at starting projects, Iʼve got 128 repos on Github, almost none of which have a complete project, but in theory I like networking, distributed consensus algorithms and making things go fast. I have a cool, short domain name that I havenʼt decided what to do with.

Outside of work I like to take photos and go on runs, but I havenʼt managed to do both at the same.


18:45 - Doors Open
19:15 - Talk
19:45 - Networking and Pizza
20:15 - Pub

Photo of Cambridge Rust Meetup group
Cambridge Rust Meetup
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Terrington House
13-15 Hills Road · Cambridge
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