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8-10k Social Trail Run with Canterbury Trails runners 🐾

Photo of Kat
Hosted By
Kat and Nick
8-10k Social Trail Run with Canterbury Trails runners 🐾


Our social trail runs are a great opportunity to get out there and make new friends whilst being active at the same time!

Location usually confirmed 1-2 days before the run (always within a 25min drive from Canterbury).

We are a friendly group of people who enjoy running off road as a group, socialising with others along the way, and we are always happy to see new faces at our Wednesday runs :)
If you enjoy running and are happy to run off road on uneven ground and (often pretty muddy) trails and don't fear the hills, then come and join us for a trail run around some fields/woods close(ish) to Canterbury! We usually run at a social to faster pace but always wait at corners and gates for slower runners to catch up. (If you can run a 5k in 30min without stopping you should be fine). We always start from a nice country pub (different one every week) where we have a well deserved drink afterwards and sometimes even dinner :)

- long running socks for the summer months when stinging nettles are taking over the trails
- reflective/hi-viz clothing/accessories (for the darker months)
- warm clothes to change into for afterwards when you cool down
- clean pair of shoes for the pub (especially when the trails are very wet)
- spare pair of socks
- plastic bag for your dirty trainers
- and a good sense of humour ;)
BE AWARE you sometimes can get quite muddy and wet during the run!! But this is all part of the fun!! :D

Photo of Canterbury Social Connections group
Canterbury Social Connections
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Every week on Wednesday until September 25, 2024

The White Horse Inn
The Square · Canterbury
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