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What we’re about

Group of people that enjoy playing card and board games together with good drinks and food at accommodating venues in our community.

Goals for our meetups:

  1. Have fun playing games and socializing with fellow "cardboard" gamers.
  2. Learn new games as well as playing our favorites.
  3. Grow a community that is passionate about gaming.
  4. Explore the DMV to find our favorite venues that are great for gaming (aim to be close to metro stations).
  5. Use our meetups as a springboard to other events: conventions, competitions, and local gaming-related events.

Achievement Point System
I am going to test out a point system in hopes of adding more fun and value to attendance and participation. This is not meant to divide, but only give an additional layer of fun and engagement. We can come up with ideas of how to apply these points for fun rewards, but until then, the following point system can be applied if interested, but it's not required.

  • 5 Points for 1st Place.
  • 3 Points for 2nd Place.
  • 2 Points for 3rd Place.
  • 1 Point for partial play or spectating.

If a game lasts less than 30 minutes, then half the points. If longer than 2 hours, then double the points.