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Time to pay the piper. lol

From: Brenda McGuinn H.
Sent on: Monday, October 21, 2013, 11:07 PM
Michael has been paying for this meetup group for the last couple of years. I would like to thank him for reviving this group. It almost closed when we went to a facebook group to save money but because he took the initiative to get us back on meetup our group is doing well. I have enjoyed camping with everyone and have made many new friends. I look forward to many more adventures and campfire stories in the future. Several of us talked about this last summer. We do not want our group to close but it is time to let Michael off the hook and help pay for the site. Meetup charges groups $144 a year to participate. I am in several other meetups and they all raise the yearly fee different ways. Some charge a yearly fee and others take $1 at each meetup. I do not want to turn into a dues Nazi so I am proposing that those of us who do not want to loose our group split the cost. If this is a bad time financially or if you have not actually started camping with us yet that is ok. If you want to help out please send me a message. When I get an idea of how many want to keep CC2 alive I will let everyone know what an equal share will be. Mike has been taking care of us. Let's take care of him now. Happy camping! By the way for anyone who has not figured it out yet if there is anywhere you would like to go camping post it as a suggested meetup and as soon as three people indicate an interest it will become a meetup. Happy camping!

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