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Open Studio


Open Studio is just what it sounds like. We mostly draw cartoons and gab.

Since 2020, we've been meeting on Zoom. But we are now back to meeting in person once again. The location will be Diamond's Coffee Shoppe. We'll most likely be in the back room where the tables are, like in the old days.

Feel free to bring something to "show and tell"—a project you've been working on, books or comics you like, etc.

We will keep the Zoom link available for those who can't make it in person and would like to drop in virtually. We'll have an iPad set up for this purpose. Here is the link if you can't make it in person:

Photo of Cartoonists Conspiracy Twin Cities group
Cartoonists Conspiracy Twin Cities
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Every 2nd Saturday of the month

Diamonds Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Ave NE · Minneapolis, MN
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location