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To Ban Pet Shops in Huntington Beach

From: Kiteman Television P.
Sent on: Sunday, March 18, 2012, 5:28 PM

Hello Friendly People,

On the agenda for the Huntington Beach City Council meeting on Monday, March 19 (tomorrow), they are going to be discussing the ban of pet shops in Huntington Beach.  A good group of people who are concerned about animals will be meeting at a nearby restaurant before the City Council meeting (details below).

[Personally, I'm against prohibition because I think it is better to educate and, if necessary, shame people into doing the right thing.  My 2 cents.]  Nevertheless, if you think this is a good idea, then the details are here:

The HB City Council will introduce a directive to staff re banning the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores (only allowing for adoption events). Please attend the council meeting Monday 3/19 at 6:00.  Please pass the word around only to trusted animal friendly folks.  If you wish to speak, please show up early to fill out a speaker card and you can speak for 2 - 3 minutes or when your name is called just say that you would support a ban. Here is the city council agenda item for next Monday 3/19  - it will probably be heard towards the end of the evening and some of us are meeting for an early dinner at Bodhi Tree at 4:30.  Please feel free to pass on to trusted animal friendly folks. thank you.


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