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New Meetup: 500 Miles Challenge - Do 1 mile in a style that will make people smile

From: Maureen
Sent on: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 2:51 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Edinburgh Ceilidh Club!

What: 500 Miles Challenge - Do 1 mile in a style that will make people smile

When: October 3,[masked]:00 PM

The Exchange
Edinburgh EH10 4JW

This will be fun, fun, fun!!!!

Olivia Giles the founder of this charity would like you to do a mile in any mannor that is legal and decent - Three - legged? Dancing? Hoola hooping? In fancy dress? You can take part on your own or as part of a team

To enter please email [address removed]

All of the information about the 500 miles Challenge is on the event website at

Can you complete a one mile circuit at the EICC in Edinburgh on Saturday 3rd October the route is all flat and off-road. You have to do two laps of this circuit - or you can share a mile with someone and do one lap (half a mile) each.

I have 500 individual miles to be completed. Each mile is allocated to a single minute between 11.10am and 7.29pm. The idea is one person (or team) will start their mile every minute - with people starting a minute apart. So, you can choose when you start your mile between 11.10am and 7.29pm and take as long as you like.

To take part you can simply email me at [address removed] and tell me what minute you want to start your mile(s) on. If that minute is taken, I'll give you the closest one. The important thing is that you have to book a minute slot in advance - just email me.

There is no need to collect sponsorship for the way people are doing their miles. It is all in aid of 500 miles ( which is my own charity which supports amputees and other disabled people in Malawi and Zambia by giving them artificial limbs, limb supports and surgery. ?60 is enough to buy an average leg.

I am going to ask everyone who completes a mile to sign a very large saltire which will have been pre-signed by Sir Sean Connery (the patron of Miles for Smiles) and Alex Salmond. After Miles for Smiles the flag will be sent to the 500 miles clinic in Malawi to be hung on the office wall. The idea is that the names of all who did the "miles" will go to where the "smiles" are delivered.

Please email me with any questions.
500 miles
Registered Charity Number SC038205

Learn more here:

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£5.00 £5 per year or £1 per ceilidh.

This covers: Contribution towards web fees & administration costs.

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  • PayPal

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