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What we’re about

Welcome to No Kiddos on the Coast!

This group is for anyone who is childless (never had kids), whether by choice or involuntarily, and is looking to form meaningful connections on the Central Coast.

We’re hoping to build a vibrant and inclusive community with others who are sensitive to the different lived experiences of being childless. Rough age group: 35+.

Eating out, coffees, exploring the coast, engaging discussions…we are open to suggestions for events. Some events will be mixed gender, some just for the ladies or the guys – it doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship. If you have any particular accessibility needs, please contact the hosts as we strive to be as inclusive as possible.

As we live on the Peninsula, most events will be on the southern end of the Coast. If you’d like to host an event closer to you, please get in touch. It’s nice to share the load.
Friendly people, with a slightly different path in life, getting together for socials and friendship.

Note, this group would not be a good fit for you if you’re:
• still exploring avenues to create a family (biological or otherwise) eg. adoption, fostering, fertility treatment)
• on the fence or unsure if you will pursue parenthood
• Empty nester / have adult children.
There are other groups that may be more suited to your needs. Please respect the above criteria. We’re also not a dating group or religiously affiliated.