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email sent to the Central London Humanists e-reminder list

From: Central London H.
Sent on: Friday, May 29, 2009, 2:37 PM
Below is the e-reminder sent out to everyone on our mailing list
Central London Humanists


For details of the next event - Wednesday 3rd June - 'Central London Humanists Social ' - [NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE]

Take a look at the latest "e-reminder + "Central Talk"

Items in Central Talk

* NEWS OF GREAT VALUE - US$2.5 million gift to IHEU (International Humanist & Ethical Union) - largest gift ever
* Central London Humanists rise to a new challenge - report on last night's meeting
* From the Windy City atheists role out new ad campaign
* Anti-slavery gong for Mauritanian
* An Interview with Caspar Melville


Josh Kutchinsky
(Membership Secretary and e-reminders)