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Three Fingered Jack Loop, 24 mi, 3641' e.g. 2 nights

Photo of Tom Cappy
Hosted By
Tom C.
Three Fingered Jack Loop, 24 mi, 3641' e.g. 2 nights


This hike is one of my three most favorite hikes in the Oregon Cascades.
Three Fingered Jack Loop

This trip is aimed ideally at advanced beginners or intermediate backpackers ~ meaning you are fine with a 30 lb pack over at least 10 miles at elevation with possible rocky trail conditions and are in reasonably good shape. If you are unsure, please contact me.

Note: this is not a "balanced" hike, meaning the miles on each leg are not the same. I am very familiar with the hike around TFJ. It's a matter of water sources as well as 'flat' campsites that will hold multiple tents.

Day One: Depart Jack Lake TH, 6.3 miles to Koko Lake, Camp #1
Day Two: 11.4 miles to Square Lake, *no water source for 6.4 miles, Camp #2
Day Three: 6.3 miles back to Jack Lake TH/vehicles.

Picture Postcard views! Just wait and see.

Somewhere along the hike, we may luck out and see the local herd of mountain goats. They've done well over the years, their numbers are now 20. They are amazing creatures as they nimbly scale the cliff edge. If you have a pair of lightweight binoculars, bring them. Last year we got as close as 30'. Sometimes we see them directly on the trail.

This backpacking trip does not include a scurry up to no name lake as a group. If you would like to, be my guest! I may or may not join you. However, a must-see-must do!

Water management is key here. Day one offers 5 viable water sources. Day two offers 3 sources for the first three miles, then there is a six-mile stretch along the PCT with nothing until we reach Summit Lake. Day three offers two water sources. Water filtration is key for this outing.

What to bring? All your gear, the 10 Essentials. Water filtration (Sawyer straw, tablets, Katahdin BeFree, Grayl, etc.). You'll probably consume at least liter a day (depending on weather conditions which I'll update as we get closer), and then you'll need enough water to hydrate your food and make coffee, tea, or cocoa. Hiking poles are mandatory.

Last year I managed with a smart water bottle and a Nalgene bottle along with a Sawyer straw. Note to self: fill up/top off at Koko Lake.

I need a couple of drivers with NW Forest Passes to volunteer their vehicles. *I have an overnight wilderness permit for 6.


After our adventure has ended, on the way back towards Sisters, we may elect to debrief at the Barn Food cart lot.

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