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The Desert Trail, Riddle Mtn Traverse (SE Oregon), 1460' aeg., 38 mi, 4 nts

Photo of Glenda M
Hosted By
Glenda M.
The Desert Trail, Riddle Mtn Traverse (SE Oregon), 1460' aeg., 38 mi, 4 nts


Following The Desert Trail route, we'll hike 38 miles from Diamond Craters eastward to Highway 78 on the Oregon Plateau, north of Steens Mountain. Pass through many different high sage brush desert environments from open sage to deep canyons and forested hillsides. Late June is peak wildflower time for us and daytime temps typically in the 70s. Possibility for rain showers exists. Trail conditions include gravel/jeep roads, old two track trails, and easy cross-country. The area is little traveled and remote. After skirting the base of Riddle Mountain, we'll drop our packs for a side hike up a moderate ridge line for munchies and views at the old Riddle Mountain Lookout. The route goes up and down with some flatter stretches, a modest effort, we'll take our time to enjoy. We'll hike 10 miles the first day and then log 7-8 miles per day. Elevation gain/loss varies from not much to a few hundred feet over ups and downs, lowest elevation is 4190' and highest is 5650' as we move upwards to Hwy 78.

Requirements for participation:
Have proper desert backpacking and hiking gear (long pants and long sleeve shirts, sturdy boots);
Have prior multi-day backpack experience.
Water: our route will follow the recommended daily stop points where we will find water sources. It is possible we'll need to carry extra water (up to 4 liters) to carry over from one day to the next. It is the desert, and conditions can change from year to year. You can see the route and mileage summary at top of page 52 in the document linked below.

Meeting date:
June 16 late afternoon at Diamond Craters trailhead so we can run shuttle car to Hwy 78 trail exit and return to Diamond Craters. If you want to sight-see Diamond Craters with me earlier in the day, arrive by 9 am June 16.

Start hiking morning June 17, and exit trail at hwy 78 on June 21 in the afternoon. Drive back to start point for cars.

Detailed information, daily mileage, camp and water stops, and maps are here:

Photo of Central Oregon Trailheads group
Central Oregon Trailheads
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