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Games and Game Requests (Google Docs)

From: John G.
Sent on: Monday, March 24, 2008, 12:02 PM
I've shared a document with you called "Games and Game Requests":[address removed]&t=[masked]&guest

It's not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To open this document, just click the link above.

Hello Central Texas Boardgames Meetup,

I think that by adding the group email address as a collaborator,
everyone (who's registered for free with Google) will be able to modify
the document. This means if you have a game request or you want to
volunteer to bring a game, you can easily add the information. We
already have some requests for the upcoming First Friday like a request
for the five-six person expansion for Settlers of Catan and David's
request that someone bring Kingsburg. If you don't want to modify the
document directly, continue to leave your requests in the comments for
the next game day and someone else will add it in the document for you.
April 4th's event is: I'm already
looking forward to it.

Parents, note there's a kids page if you need to add information about
childcare. Eventually we may add pages for sign-up to longer games and
that sort of thing.

See you in April or maybe at Word Games Saturday.

Thanks for your continued interest,
John Gravitt