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Experienced Dracula Wanted

From: John G.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 5:07 PM
Are you coming to Planks on Sunday? This message goes to everyone because, even if you aren't able to make it, you might log in and make some suggestions of scary games.

I've never played Fury of Dracula (which I own) or Last Night on Earth or Mall of Horror. If you are an experienced Dracula, consider coming out to Planks this Sunday afternoon for a game of Fury of Dracula. I'm not going to be Dracula on my first play of this so looking for someone else to take the helm.

I'll bring Poison, Fearless Floors, and Knock Knock as well. Bring your Halloween flavored games to Planks this Sunday. The Zombie Fluxx was fun at our last meetup.

Planks really embraces boardgamers. They have games throughout the restaurant and they give us a large area for our games and play.

See you there,

PS log in, find this message and suggest some scary games even if you aren't coming. Maybe someone will check their collection and bring them.

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