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5Rhythms Ecstatic Dance This Weekend-Out of Town Trip

From: user 7.
Sent on: Monday, June 21, 2010, 11:49 AM

Hi all,


I hope this note finds you all well.


I’ll be attending a 5Rhythms ecstatic dance this weekend (Fri eve and during the day on Saturday) in Durham, NC.  If you are interested in joining me, call me at either of the numbers below to get details.  I recently had the opportunity to dance for a week with Jonathan Horan of the five Rhythms last month in California.  It was the most amazing and healing experience I have ever had in my life!


For more information about this weekend’s workshop in Durham


For more information about the 5 Rhythms:




Kimberly Beroset, MA, MBA, RYT

Founder, EveryBody Is a Dancer


Wellness, transformation and compassionate awareness through movement.

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