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Hack night project

From: Matt M.
Sent on: Monday, April 4, 2016, 11:37 AM
Hey internet people,

So I have an idea for a group project to work on for hack night. I tried leaving this all in the comments section of the event page, but it was too many characters.

Our homepage (yes we have one!), https://charlotter...­, is a little dated and could use a new look

I would like to give it a new theme. The site is currently built using octopress, but I think it would be nice to replace it with jekyll (https://jekyllrb.c...­).

There's a lot of themes (free and paid) we could use. I'm thinking of using themes built for jekyll because our existing blog posts are built with it and could be converted with little effort.

Here's a few theme sites I started looking through


And a few I think look alright:


Let me know if you find any that look good.

If you're into this kind of thing, come on out tomorrow and say hey. Even if you can't make it, feel free to fork our repo )­) and try messing around with themes. also did an episode vaguely similar to what I'm proposing. If you want to watch someone convert a theme to a Rails app, here's a link to that as well.



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