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Dragon Con 2011

From: Jared H.
Sent on: Friday, August 26, 2011, 2:57 PM

At this time Dragon Con is one week away.  I have two rooms in downtown Atlanta.  As of this email I have 9 out of 12 spots claimed. (10 claimed depending on if i can fill the second room)  If there is anyone who would like to join us for the con from September 1st through 5th.  The cost of the room per person is $175.00 if you stay from thursday to monday.  Please email me this weekend if you would be interested.

Dragon con is one of the largest in the country and focuses on everything nerd. (Anime, Sci-fi, Fantasy, etc.)

My email is [address removed]

if you want to call or text me my number is[masked]

Thanks hope to hear from a lucky few 

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